February 9, 2013

It happened.

We are in deep trouble. Over the past couple of weeks, our little winston has finally grasped the concept of crawling and with this has come walking across furniture, pulling everything out of cupboards, and getting into mischief to name a few.  I've come to the realization that I am way to slow for this baby. He is ready to go and he is not waiting around for anybody. We had a couple of bumps and my heart is officially jumping at least 3 to 4 times a day but other than that, everyone is ok! Thankfully - he has very much encouraged me to get back into shape. Like, for real this time {serious face}. Last night, I tried yoga out for the first time. bottom line - my body was severely stretched. But meditating, relaxing my body and focusing on my balance is a very unique and beautiful feeling. I am going to do it again today. Heaven knows I need help to keep up with this little. 


  1. Isn't it fun how fast they learn?! I know the feeling of trying to keep up, how are they just so fast at getting into everything? Your Winston is a doll, you're suck a good mama!

  2. He's so cute! I know it's crazy how fast they grow..I'm amazed watching my niece and nephews. And go you trying yoga! That's something I'd like to try. Thanks so much for your sweet comment and encouragement. I'm trying to keep up the blogster!

