April 19, 2013


^^check out that gorgeous food storage. So cute!^^
^^Joshua's Family^^

This past weekend Husbuddy and I woke before the baby {like 5 minutes before ha!}. For whatever reason the morning was just so quiet and peaceful and it was really nice. Nice to have peace and quiet, nice to have a morning whisper and kiss, nice to just wake up well rested. When Winston woke up he was calm, well rested, and more relaxed. It just felt like a good day. We brought Winston back to bed with us and all three of us just lay there playing and snuggling. It was during this moment we decided to go Kirtland.

We made a simple breakfast, talked with grandma, packed lunches and were out of the house by 10:30. We filled up on gas, and out of the city by 11. Sometimes {being prairie die-hards} we really just love the wide open space. I am not saying Pittsburgh is overly hilly it has just the right amount so that I can see the skys, the clouds, the wide open city {that part being the city girl in me...ha!}, and just the right amount of drivers on a quiet Saturday city morning. In fact, it almost felt like a sunday in Pittsburgh which is generally abnormally quiet but expected for sunday and not saturday ---->clearly a loss of thought process there. 

Anyways, Kirtland. I love that place. I felt so much gratitude and felt so much peace. We pulled into the Kirtland temple just in time for a tour and marveled completely at it's beauty. I felt a tinge of sadness mostly because it was so beautiful. I couldn't imagine leaving something so beautiful behind. I felt a lot of gratitude to the early Saints who worked hard to build the Kingdom of God here on earth. It is through their experiences, hardship, and faith that I am able to be where I am today. For this, I am beyond thankful. 

Today, I look at my family and see the puzzle piece we are to the great work going on now and ahead of us. I am thankful for the many, many examples I have in my life. I am who I am today because of people who believe in the Plan of Happiness. Jesus Christ lived among men and gave his life because he loved us. I know this to be true. I have come to know for myself by simply asking. This understanding has been gradual and continues today. It is something I must work at. I am not perfect, I  often make mistakes and actually, a lot. I want to be better. I know He believes in me. I know He loves me. I didn't understand happiness until I found Him.
What I have learned through Him is that there is more to love and to give. I have a beautiful husband. He is my joy and brings me happiness. Our baby boy is a gift that I didn't know I was worth being given too. He is too good. He is too perfect. And to share this with my Best Friend, is the best part. 

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