January 21, 2014

Grain Series 01

I've really put on my cooking hat this last year. I've been working away in the kitchen making new recipes and gathering recipes of our favorite home cooked meals. Thank goodness for pinterest and allrecipes.com for helping our meals taste like something. Most importantly I don't know where I would be without the help, tips and tricks from my family including my moms, SIL's and Val. My food would be burnt and boring without their help. I use to burn everything... even PIZZA POPS! Yes, the kitchen life used to be a very scary place. I had no desire to spend my time in there. It made me so stressed out. In September I took a leap from our five trusty recipes that I was getting bored of and made a new goal to make 3 new recipes a week.

These days Josh will say over the dinner table 'this is the BEST meal ever' or he will say 'never make butternut squash again'. Winston will either go 'mmmmm' and eat everything off his plate or he will straight-up throw his food off his high-chair. I can't win em' all of course but it is so much better than getting sick of the same thing. Heck, Winston even helps me cook. I give him empty bowls, spoons, popsicle sticks and he just stirs his heart away. We often give him something to stir or pour in and he is in toddler heaven. 

Anyways once a week we make a new home cooked snack. I love making muffins for breakfast and snacks. It makes our morning out the door a whole lot smoother. Our snacks are usually something whole-wheat and healthy but this week we decided to change it up a bit since we had a whack load of frozen raspberries in our tiny freezer. We used this recipe here. note: we have a smaller muffin pan so it made 20. The recipe asked for 1/4 c of sugar on top and we only used about half that amount on our muffins. I put maybe a pinch of sugar on top of the muffins Winston would eat and a little bit more for the grown ups. It worked out well and they look so pretty. 

any toddler snacks that are your fave? please share. this mama would love to know. 

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