January 28, 2012

We are having a...

I am not going to lie .... I have been waiting for this week for a long, long, long time!

Being pregnant has been a fun experience. I have to laugh at all the *joys* we have been able to have.

My baby is growing big. I am little scared at how big the baby is getting. I can't believe how little I knew about babies before this....


Many, many years ago I remember as a little girl that on one night I looked up at the stars on a very COLD winters night, dreaming of the future and wondering if it would ever come. I wished my prince charming would come and rescue and we would end up Happily Ever After.

It turns out he was right across the tracks from my house. It turns out, I was laying directly behind his back yard from those tracks. It turns out a few years later this man would come to drive me to Seminary.

It turns out that girl waited for him.

It turns out they got married.

It turns out they found out they were having a baby
and as it turns out, he will be our son.

and now I have two prince charming's. I am the luckiest girl in the world!


  1. Cute post! Congratulations girl! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you. My sister-in-law just had a baby boy last night! Such a beautiful thing :) All the best!

  2. Congrats! I didn't know you were expecting.. that's what I get for being in the other ward. haha. So exciting!!
